[GRASSLIST:8619] Re: Interpolating and mapping the output of ecosystem
models with GRASS
Massimiliano Cannata
massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Fri Oct 14 02:59:03 EDT 2005
Hi Luigi,
I'm currently working on something similar (hydrological model grass
embedded) and I think the easiest way is to write some shell script
doing what you need.
I think You should:
- read the file and generate a point feature (cat filename | v.in.ascii
.....) maybe by using also awk for formatting your file...
- interpolate your points with one of the already existing modules
(v.surf.rast, v.idw) and generate your raster
- then using map algebra (r.mapcalc) for set null the values of cell
above your max height (r.mapcalc
'final_map=if(dem>1500,interp_map,null())' )
I think it will be pretty easy to implement if you know some basis of
shell programming....
Hope this could be useful.
Luigi Ponti wrote:
> Dear GRASS Users Mailing List,
> I would like to ask some advice on using GRASS to map the output of
> weather-driven population models for ecosystem analysis.
> Our group is considering GRASS as a way to map the georeferenced
> output of the ecosystem models developed in our lab. In short, once
> meteorological data (i.e., model input) and geographic data are
> acquired for a particular landscape, an ecosystem model is run for
> each weather station location of interest. Therefore, the output of
> the model consists of a summary table combining the point locations of
> the weather stations with the output value of interest.
> In order for this output to be mapped, an interpolation process is
> needed to retrieve the spatial distribution of the values estimated by
> the ecological model across the landscape. Another critical point is
> the ability to 'clip' and eliminate areas which are not of interest to
> the study, such as elevation which is too high, or other tracts of
> land or water which are not of interest to the study.
> Would GRASS be able to interpolate such spatial distribution and also
> 'clip' the out-of-interest areas? I am new to GRASS but I assume that
> such capabilities are, at least potentially, already in place in
> GRASS. What I cannot figure out is the amount of work needed to
> implement such functionalities starting from the summary output table
> that I mentioned above. Any hint is appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Luigi Ponti
> Visiting Scholar
> University of California, Berkeley
> Environmental Science, Policy & Management
> lponti at nature.berkeley.edu
Eng. Massimiliano Cannata
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
Istituto Scienze della Terra
Via Trevano, c.p. 72
CH-6952 Canobbio-Lugano
Tel: +41 (0)58 666 62 18
Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09
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