[GRASSLIST:8705] Re: v.in.db bug

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Thu Oct 20 04:21:51 EDT 2005

Leonardo Lami wrote:

>hi list,
>I'm using GRASS 6.0.1 csv and I have a problem with v.in.db...
>If I write:
>v.in.db driver=pg database=host=,dbname=renato 
>table=centraline.emergenze_renato_fitocenosi_punti x=xgb y=ygb 
>key=id_imergenza output=emergenze_renato_dati_punti
>The outp message say:
>*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x08052910 ***
>and the vector is not created...

please run
gdb `which v.in.db`
r driver=pg database=host=,dbname=renato
table=centraline.emergenze_renato_fitocenosi_punti x=xgb y=ygb
key=id_imergenza output=emergenze_renato_dati_punti

and post the output (maybe not to the list, but on a web page?).


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