[GRASSLIST:8730] Asking for information on environmental noise modeling

Kari Salovaara kari.salovaara at pp1.inet.fi
Fri Oct 21 10:37:36 EDT 2005


I've read article Environmental noise modeling within an open source GIS 
by l.Biagi, M.A.Brovelli and M.Scuratti. This open source GIS means 
Grass. In this article writers descibe a model for noise propagation 
analysis. Two Grass commands are also mentioned, v.noise.buffer and 
r.noise. Writers also mention some goals of their future development 
with this model.

This article can be found from 
http://geomatica.como.polimi.it/workbooks/n2/list.php and it is related 
into this project http://www.comune.modena.it/isola/inglese/index.html
The workbook where this article belongs dates back to autumn 2001.


1) Does somebody have source code for these modules ? If yes, could You 
send them to me ?

2) Does somebody know did there happen any progress after this paper was 
written ? and if yes, where I could find information.

3) Does anybody know good sources, both software ;-) and information, 
into this topic ?

4) Is there any other interested persons into noise modelling ?

Any relevant information relating into noise analysis and GRASS would be 
useful. Thanks in advance.

Best regards from noisy Finland,
Kari Salovaara

Kari Salovaara
Project Manager
+358 400 804549

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