[GRASSLIST:8826] DBMI-DBF driver error:

Devereux, Jarl M Jarl.Devereux at dpi.qld.gov.au
Mon Oct 31 22:44:35 EST 2005

I'm new to GRASS and have just tried to shift my Grass folders to a
network drive.


I'm getting lots of dbf errors. In particular:


DBMI-DBF driver error:

Cannot open dbf database: cygdrive/u/r&ddel/.../permanent/dbf/


db.connect -p returns:

driver: dbf

database: cygdrive/u/r&ddel/.../permanent/dbf/

schema: (null)

group: (null)


The network path has a "&" symbol in one of the directory names would
this be causing the problem?  (windows network, Cygwin grass (6.0)




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