[GRASSLIST:8205] Re:Re: libgrass_gmath.so error on startup (FC4)

Michele michele.rocc at libero.it
Thu Sep 8 04:13:21 EDT 2005


> The error message is:
> GRASS 6.0.1 (spearfish60):~/grass > Error in startup script: ps.map: 
> error while loading shared libraries: 
> /usr/local/grass-6.0.1/lib/libgrass_gmath.so: cannot restore segment 

it seems that the GRASS package you installed was compiled with some libraries you don't have, 
search in your sistem for libgrass_gmath.so,if you find send the output, if you don't find you maybe have to install lapack (maybe your binaries was build upon it, even if grass dont use it for now).


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