[GRASSLIST:8281] Re: Making road maps

Mike Dvorak mike at mikemath.net
Wed Sep 14 15:01:09 EDT 2005

To answer my own question partially:

> 1. Is there any way to make vector lines wider when displaying them?  I 
> would like to make different size vector lines for different types of 
> roads.

Use ps.map to make pretty maps.  However, after a lot of errors and 
searching, the "vector" command is no longer applicable in GRASS 
6.1-cvs.  You need to use the "vlines", "vpoints", and "vareas".

> 2. Is it possible to rotate the names/labels for my north/south streets 
> 90 degrees from the east/west streets?

Still not sure about this one...


Mike Dvorak
Chicago, IL USA

"If anyone walking along the sidewalk were to make
deafening noises, spew poisonous gas into innocent
faces, and threaten people with a deadly weapon,
they would be arrested.  Yet a few feet away, on
the public roadway, it is considered normal
behavior." --Steve Stollman

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