[GRASSLIST:8294] Change cat column

Olivier Faber olivier.faber at tudor.lu
Thu Sep 15 08:35:07 EDT 2005

I got this old problem not solved yet.
I have a vector file with one column (named ATT) in the .dbf file that should define the categories. these categories are defined by different numbers. Unfortunately while importing the shape file, Grass created a column named cat with continious numbering.  As I want do assign one color to each category, I need my original category column to be the reference for the colors. 
Do I have to put the ATT column as first column for Grass to recognize it as categories? Can I change the categories assign in my existing vector file? Is there a possibility to tell Grass which column to use for category when importing  a shape file with v.in.ogr?

I use Grass 6.0.1 under Suse 9.3
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