[GRASSLIST:8365] Re: New GIS Manager version

Ian MacMillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Tue Sep 20 20:06:10 EDT 2005

Hey there Michael, fantastic job on the new GIS Manager.  Looks great 
so far.  I have a question about the functionality of the d.rast 
button.  In the menu options there is a button that says 'Raster to 
drape over 1st map'.  This seems like an approximate d.his utility.  
However I don't quite understand how it works.  Say if I have map1 (air 
photo) under 'Raster name' and map2 (DEM) under the second button, then 
when I display the image I get what I think is my colored DEM  with 
shading from my black and white air photo.  This then gets covered up 
by map1 (the monitor displays two images overlain on top of each 

Does my explanation make sense?  Is that second raster not supposed to 
display?  How does this button differ from d.his?


PS using mac 10.3.9

What happens if a big asteroid hits Earth? Judging from realistic 
simulations involving a sledge hammer and a common laboratory frog, we 
can assume it will be pretty bad.
  - Dave Barry

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