[GRASSLIST:776] Re: Problem GRASS-6.0.2

Māris Nartišs maris.nartiss at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 02:30:46 EDT 2006

Unfortunately not all GRASS modules have large file support. It is
possible, that r.in.arc is also in this list.

Q. to dev's: Is there any short how-to how check large file support in
GRASS module and how to enable it (which variables and functions
should be checked etc.)?


On 4/19/06, Nagaraj Thanushkodi <Nagaraj.Thanushkodi at rmsi.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a installed grass-6.0.2 on a linux FC4 machine. Configuration of
> this machine is as 1.4Ghz processor, 512MB RAM, 70GB  (SCSI HDD) and FC4 is
> the only OS on the machine, also the swap space provided to the OS is of
> 1.5 GB.
> The problem that I am facing  is I am unable to use >=2gb ESRI Arc/Info
> ASCII Grid Raster dataset. It seem to keep reporting an error  that "File
> too large" .
> After exploring the net for the same I came to know that while
> configuration the --enable-64bit=yes for enabling the Grass to read >2GB
> dataset and make and make install.
> Even after doing so the grass still is not able to accept dataset >=2gb.
> If anyone know how to make r.in.arc read file >=2gb.
> Regards
> Nagaraj

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