[GRASSLIST:879] Re: NVIZ image dumps

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 25 22:47:53 EDT 2006

> 32 bit box, can repeat crash on full res image
> (grass-6.1.cvs_src_snapshot_2006_03_25)
> screen dump as tiff and others - works as expected.
> Note. I was taking nviz screen dumps with KSnapshot. To get normal
> snapshot, I was using feature "take after XX sec delay", set delay to
> XX, click redraw in nviz and wait till it finishes to redraw screen
> and takes screenshot. When using output for animation, must be
> carefull as twice - it takes screen content at window coordinates ->
> cant move window, minimize or hide behind other window. It sucks, but
> works.

FYI in the latest cvs "keyframe animation" is a bit easier plus there is
an updated help page. For direct to MPEG-1 compile with --ffmpeg.
(Also, [for now] to make it use the MPEG-4 Xvid codec, set the compiler
flag  -D"USE_XVID")

> Screen dump at max res output:
> Creating PBuffer Using GLX 1.3
> Final Assembled Image will be -1209881928 x -1217503232
> Writing Tile 1 of 81
> MALLOC Failed
> Writing Tile 2 of 81
> MALLOC Failed
> Writing Tile 3 of 81
> MALLOC Failed
> pnmcat: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream.  Most
> often, this means your input file is empty.
> pnmcat failed to create assembled images
> Check that pnmcat is installed and path is set
> GLX -- destroy pbuffer

this is bug #3041. See Bob's comments:


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