[GRASSLIST:10309] Complete GRASS Mapserver-4.6.2 Installation Successful on Mandriva 2006

Siddhesh Bhatkar sid_grass at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 15 05:59:54 EST 2006

Hello everyone,
 I want to thank everyone who helped me set up my GRASS mapserver.
 Just wanted to express my gratitude to all.
 These were all the steps i followed. i would be happy  if  this could be of some help to others.
Mapserver-4.6.2 Installation With GRASS-6.0.1 Support On Mandriva 2006 Linux OS *******************************************************************************    Prior  to installing GD library, Install its dependencies.   freetype-2.1.4.tar.gz   libpng-1.2.8-config.tar.gz   libjpeg62-devel-6b  (rpm)   libiconv-1.9.1.tar.gz  1.Install gd-2.0.33.tar.gz     tar xvfz gd-2.0.33.tar.gz   cd gd-2.0.33  ./configure  --with-png=/usr/local/lib               --with-freetype=/usr/local/lib                --with-jpeg=/usr/lib                --with-libiconv-prefix=/usrlocal/lib   make   su   make install   su   cp -f /usr/include/gd.h  /usr/local/lib/     2.Install PROJ4    tar xvfz proj-4.4.9.tar.gz    cd proj-4.4.9    ./configure    make    su    make install  3.Install GDAL/OGR *without* GRASS support   Disable the hdf4 support while configuring gdal-1.3.1 because the netcdf formats of hdf4 package    in gdal-1.3.1 conflicts with the seperate netcdf installed.   tar xvfz gdal-1.3.1.t!
 cd gdal-1.3.1   ./configure --without-hdf4    make   su   make install    Check:    gdalinfo --version   GDAL, released 2005/10/04   gdal-config --version   1.3.1   gdal_translate --version   GDAL, released 2005/10/04     4. Install GRASS-6.0.1    Prior to installing grass-6.0.1 on mandriva 2006 check/install its dependencies.    *flex    *yacc    *libtiff    *Postgres    *OpenGl : Mesa-devel-3.4-13.i386    Then,    tar xvfz grass-6.0.1.tar.gz    cd grass-6.0.1    ./configure  --prefix=/home/siddhesh/                  --bindir=/home/siddhesh/bin                  -with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/pgsql                  --without-odbc --without-fftw     make     make install   5. Install GDAL/OGR GRASS plugin    The plugin needs the GRASS libraries to be linked to /usr/local/lib      Do this with something like " cd /usr/local/lib ; ln -s /home/siddhesh/grass-6.0.0/lib/*.so . "    Then run ldconfig after linking.    Make sure the grass library
 path(/home/siddhesh/grass-6.0.1/lib) is added to the    LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable before running the ./configure        tar xvfz  gdal-grass-    cd gdal-grass-1.3.1    ./configure --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config                --with-grass=/home/siddhesh/grass-6.0.0    make    su    make install       * Check if GDAL finds the plugin:            gdal_translate --formats | grep -i grass       GRASS (ro): GRASS Database Rasters (5.7+)      * Check if the GRASS libs are found by the plugin.        All libraries should be found (maybe you forgot to run 'ldconfig'        if you didn't install from RPMs?):                 ldd /usr/lib/gdalplugins/grass_GRASS.so       ldd /usr/lib/gdalplugins/ogr_GRASS.so     6. Install Mapserver with GRASS support    tar xvfz mapserver-4.6.2    ./configure  --with-proj                 --with-ogr                 --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config                  --with-gd=/usr/local/lib                 
 --with-png=/usr/local/lib    make     su    make install          7. Copy the following executables from /home/siddhesh/mapserver-4.6.2/ to /var/www/cgi-bin/    (Requires root access)    mapserv    legend    shp2img     shp2pdf    shptreetst    sortshp    test.cgi    scalebar    shp2mysql.pl    shptree    shptreevis    squidGuard.cgi    tile4ms     check:    /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv -v     MapServer version 4.6.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG     SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL     INPUT=SHAPEFILE       8. You have to run the ldconfig as root. Just run the following command (as root)     /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/lib -v       Mapserver should work now.     Remember: When you stop your server you may have to redo this.   9. Setting up the Demo Mapserver as shown on the following website:    http://grass.itc.it/start.html   * In your sytem, locate the file .grassrc6 containing     GISDBASE:
 /home/siddhesh/grass60/GrassData60     LOCATION_NAME: spearfish60     MAPSET: PERMANENT     MONITOR: x1     GRASS_GUI: tcltk     *Determine $DOCUMENT_ROOT of your server (here: /var/www/html/ )           *Copy .grassrc6 to the $DOCUMENT_ROOT of your server.     This is done as follows:     cp -f /home/siddhesh/.grassrc6  /var/www/html/       *Create a link to your GRASS database as follows.     cd /var/www/     ln -s  /home/siddhesh/grass60/GrassData60  GrassData60     *Create a tmp directory in /var/www/html/     cd /var/www/html/     mkdir tmp     chmod 777 tmp      *Download the sample server (270kb)     http://grass.itc.it/spearfish/grass5_mapserver.tar.gz     Un-tar it     tar xvfz grass5_mapserver.tar.gz     cd ./grass5_mapserver     (requires root access)     cp -rf map-script     /var/www/     cp -rf spearfish      /var/www/html/     cp -f  spearfish.html /var/www/html/     cp -f  start.html     /var/www/html/     In the start.html make the following changes using a!
 editor (Quanta)     Change the URL to the cgi-bin inside:     http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/usr/local/httpd/map-script/mapserver.map     This is done as follows:        <a href=http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/map-script/mapserver.map>     Start SPEARFISH mapserver</a>     where localhost is your hostname.                In /var/www/map-script/mapserver.map      made the following changes:     * Set temp data absolute path      IMAGEPATH /var/www/html/tmp/     * Define OFFSET in RGB       ex For LAYER dem in mapserver.map on line78 made the following changes:      OFFSITE 255 0 255      Similarly did it for LAYER roads in mapserver.map on line103      OFFSITE 255 0 0     *Modified the variable DATA to point to data      LAYER      NAME goa-map256out      TYPE RASTER      STATUS ON      DATA "/var/www/GrassData60/spearfish60/PERMANENT/cellhd/soils"


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