[GRASSLIST:10457] Re: How to make a line from points vector

Ing.Peter Misovic peter.misovic at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 01:00:46 EST 2006

Dear Kenlo,
I'd like to ask you if you were successfull with solving of your
problem ? I have the the same needs in my project like you. Would you
help me with or still you don't have a solution ?

Thank you,

On 2/17/06, NISHIDA, Kenlo <kenlo at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
> Dear GRASS users:
> May I ask you an elementary question?
> How can I make a line vector map from a point vector map?
> I mean, I have a vector map with many points in it.
> I want to make a line by connecting these points.
> Kenlo Nishida
> Institute of Agricultural and Forest Engineering
> University of Tsukuba, Japan 305-8572

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