[GRASSLIST:10535] Re: d.what.vect issue with multiple layers

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Thu Feb 23 14:09:31 EST 2006

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 08:41:38 -0600
"Kirk R. Wythers" <kwythers at umn.edu> wrote:

> On Feb 22, 2006, at 1:54 PM, Maciek Sieczka wrote:
> > For me, d.vect -e on a 2 layer vector file works. In the upper part
> > of the window there is "Layer 1", in the lowe part there is "Layer
> > 2".
> Thanks for the reply Maciek. For me, I don't seem to have the lower  
> part that you do. I would like to figure this out however. Could it  
> be related to the database? I am using postgresql for attribute  
> management. Are you using sqlite? Here is a description of my
> situation:
> GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~ > db.tables -p
> public.geometry_columns
> public.spatial_ref_sys
> information_schema.sql_features
> information_schema.sql_implementation_info
> information_schema.sql_languages
> information_schema.sql_packages
> information_schema.sql_sizing
> information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles
> public.t61v1_working
> public.t61v1_working_2
> The two tables I am trying to work with are:
> public.t61v1_working
> public.t61v1_working_2

Are you sure they are connected with your vector file? 

How many dblinks does the 'v.info your_vector_file' report?

Provided there are 2 dblinks indeed, what does 'v.info -c layer=1
your_vector_file' and 'v.info -c layer=2 your_vector_file' say?

> I added the second table with db.addtable and I can view and edit it  
> fine is pgadmin3. Does any of this make sense to you Maciek? Is it  
> similar to how your system is set up?

I've never used postgres. Only DBF and SQLITE. And I'm not an sql
expert. So I might be of not much help. But try this procedure (I
couldn't think of anything else, but it is reproducable and should do)
to make sure Grass is able to create and query a vector with 2 layers
using postgres. For both SQLITE and DBF it works as expected:

$ v.digit map=nowa -n

# add 1 column to the table; draw 1 line; input attribute; exit

$ v.to.points input=nowa type=line output=nowa_pt llayer=1 dmax=100 

# it will automatically create 'nowa_pt' with 2 dblinks

$ d.erase; d.vect nowa_pt; d.what.vect -e

# an edit window with layer 1 and layer 2 properties pops up

Is it the same in your postgres case?


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