[GRASSLIST:10606] Re: problems with GIS managerRe: GRASS 6.1c
vs gis.m error
Patton, Eric
epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Mon Feb 27 07:56:53 EST 2006
Michael and Vishal,
I think I may have reproduced the same error as Vishal here. I downloaded
Generic Linux Binary Feb.25, as well as gis.m tar package dated Feb24th.
After a regular install (i.e., tar xvf Grass 6.1 cvs, extracted gis.m to
$GISBASE/etc, copied gis.m to $GISBASE/etc/scripts, copied v.what/ and
monitorcap to $GISBASE/etc) Grass starts ok - the display manager launches,
and no errors are reported on the CLI. Trying to start x0 gives the
following error:
Could not execute monitor: No such file or directory
No socket to connect to for monitor <x0>.
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
No socket to connect to for monitor <x0>.
A similar message is produced for every other monitor. I also noticed that
in the Feb.25th Grass 6.1 binary, there is no monitorcap file in
$GISBASE/etc. I believe there used to a be a monitorcap file here a few
weeks ago, because I remember having to remove/overwrite it with the one
from the gis.m tarfile. Is this normal?
If I close the display manager and try to lauch the gis manager, I get:
Could not execute monitor: No such file or directory
Map display 1 window builds, but as I've had happen before, the splash
screen displays and freezes in the middle of the screen.
When I kill the Map Display 1 window, the following messages are given on
the CLI:
Collecting map names for current mapset <PERMANENT>...
forcing ......
g.remove region=mon_1
REMOVE [mon_1]
region definition
Hope this helps isolate the problem,
~ Eric.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu
To: Michael Barton
Cc: Ing.Peter Misovic; Multiple recipients of list
Sent: 2/27/2006 2:48 AM
Subject: [GRASSLIST:10604] Re: problems with GIS managerRe: GRASS 6.1cvs
gis.m error
Hi Mike,
I just tried removing and re-installing the same binary(although i have
not yet tried compiing from source as you suggest).
Please note, about both the Feb 20 and Feb 25 cvs binaries, there is NO
MONITORCAP file at all! Hence i get a series of errors at this point...
Then, to get past the initial errors i keep getting, i copy your gis.m
script and folder as well as your monitorcap file.
Only after this does GRASS start, and then i get the errors in starting
a monitor that we have been discussing.
Does this give you any pointers to the problem?
On 2/27/06, Michael Barton < michael.barton at asu.edu
<mailto:michael.barton at asu.edu> > wrote:
This monitorcap file does not belong with the version of GRASS you say
you downloaded ( grass6.1.cvs-i686-pc-linux-gnu-25_02_2006). It should
look different.
This makes me think that there is some kind of problem with your source
download or another issue with mixed versions and files.
I suggest you do a completely clean download of GRASS and a make clean
before you compile.
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
From: Vishal Mehta < vishalm1975 at gmail.com
<mailto:vishalm1975 at gmail.com> >
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:02:16 +0530
To: Michael Barton < michael.barton at asu.edu
<mailto:michael.barton at asu.edu> >
Cc: "Ing.Peter Misovic" < peter.misovic at gmail.com
<mailto:peter.misovic at gmail.com> >, Multiple recipients of list <
GRASSLIST at baylor.edu <mailto:GRASSLIST at baylor.edu> >
Subject: Re: problems with GIS managerRe: GRASS 6.1cvs gis.m error
Hi Mike,
After entering grass, i saw that The grassrc6 file did have "MONITOR:
X1" - which i deleted. I also checked the monitorcap file, which did not
have duplicates.
I'm still getting the same errors. copied below is the monitorcap file:
any other suggestions? thanks much for your reply..- vishal
# Monitorcap file: describes the monitors available to your
# users. Fields:
# driver name :
# actual program name :
# short description presented to users :
# the names of two fifo files for interprocess communication :
# full pathname of tty from which device must be started (if any) :
# message user gets if driver is started from wrong tty
x0:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
dev/fifo.1a dev/fifo.1b \
::any terminal
x1:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
dev/fifo.2a dev/fifo.2b \
::any terminal
x2:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
dev/fifo.3a dev/fifo.3b \
::any terminal
x3:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
dev/fifo.4a dev/fifo.4b \
::any terminal
x4:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
dev/fifo.5a dev/fifo.5b \
::any terminal
x5:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
dev/fifo.6a dev/fifo.6b \
::any terminal
x6:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
dev/fifo.7a dev/fifo.7b \
::any terminal
CELL:driver/CELL:Create GRASS Raster File: \
dev/fifo.8a dev/fifo.8b \
::any terminal
#sunview:driver/SUNVIEW:Sun graphics display: \
# dev/fifo.9a dev/fifo.9b \
# ::any terminal
#4105:driver/4105:Tektronix 4105: \
# dev/fifo.10a dev/fifo.10b \
# ::any terminal
#iris:driver/IRIS:Silicon Graphics IRIS Workstation: \
# dev/fifo.11a dev/fifo.11b \
# ::any terminal
#sun:driver/SUNCORE:Sun Core graphis display: \
# dev/fifo.12a dev/fifo.12b \
# ::any terminal
#IGRAPH:driver/IGRAPH:Intergraph graphics display: \
# dev/fifo.13a dev/fifo.13b \
# ::any terminal
#mass:driver/MASS:Masscomp graphics display: \
# dev/fifo.14a dev/fifo.14b \
# ::any terminal
PNG:driver/PNG:Create PNG Map: \
dev/fifo.16a dev/fifo.16b \
::any terminal
On 2/26/06, Michael Barton < michael.barton at asu.edu
<mailto:michael.barton at asu.edu> > wrote:
This is a different issue from what Peter reported. It sounds like there
is a problem with your installation. I'd start by looking at the
.grassrc6 file in your home directory. If there is a line that specifies
a monitor to start, delete it. Next I'd look at the monitorcap file that
should be in $GISBASE/etc/.
See if you have one. If you do, look at it with a text editor. It should
have one line for each potential display monitor it can open. There
should not be any duplicates. I've had duplicates show up in a Mac build
In a strange, unrelated problem (but then again, maybe not), that has
affected a student in my lab who updated to the newest Cygwin binary.
Whenever he starts GRASS, it opens a saved workspace file even though he
doesn't explicitly instruct it to do so.
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
From: Vishal Mehta < vishalm1975 at gmail.com
<mailto:vishalm1975 at gmail.com> >
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 15:07:43 +0530
To: Michael Barton < michael.barton at asu.edu
<mailto:michael.barton at asu.edu> >
Cc: "Ing.Peter Misovic" < peter.misovic at gmail.com
<mailto:peter.misovic at gmail.com> >, Multiple recipients of list <
GRASSLIST at baylor.edu <mailto:GRASSLIST at baylor.edu> >
Subject: Re: problems with GIS managerRe: GRASS 6.1cvs gis.m error
i've been trying to install GRASS, on my Ubunty Hoary distribution, the
GRASS distribution Generic GNU/Linux (ia32)
<http://grass.itc.it/grass61/binary/linux/snapshot/> (generated
I downloaded grass6.1.cvs-i686-pc-linux-gnu-25_02_2006
but am having problems as soon as i 'enter GRASS'. I've tried updating
the scripts you mention in the last email from your website but still
get the same error
On the command window i get:
Could not execute monitor: No such file or directory
No socket to connect to for monitor <x3>.
Problem selecting x3. Will try once more
and the error log in the GIS Manager is:
child process exited abnormally
while executing
"exec -- d.mon start=x3 >@ stdout 2>@ stderr"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval exec -- $cmd $args >@ stdout 2>@ stderr"
(procedure "run" line 2)
invoked from within
"run "d.mon start=$mon""
invoked from within
"if ![catch {open "|d.mon -L" r} input] {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp -nocase "$mon.*not running" $line]} {
(procedure "Dm::displmon" line 3)
invoked from within
"Dm::displmon x3"
invoked from within
".mainframe.frame.pw1.f0.frame.rb3 invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w $cmd]"
(procedure "tk::CheckRadioInvoke" line 3)
invoked from within
"tk::CheckRadioInvoke .mainframe.frame.pw1.f0.frame.rb3"
(command bound to event)
PLease help!
On 2/26/06, Michael Barton < michael.Sbarton at asu.edu
<mailto:michael.Sbarton at asu.edu> > wrote:
The new GIS Manager (gis.m) is in beta testing and I've been fixing bugs
Please update to the most current version (24 February 2006). You can
this by updating from the cvs and recompiling or by getting the package
my website <http://www.public.asu.edu/%7Ecmbarton/files/grass_gismgr>
...and replacing the files in $GISBASE/etc/gm with those in the package
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
> From: "Ing.Peter Misovic" < peter.misovic at gmail.com
<mailto:peter.misovic at gmail.com> <mailto:peter.misovic at gmail.com>
<mailto:peter.misovic at gmail.com> >
> Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 01:34:57 +0100
> To: GRASSLIST < GRASSLIST at baylor.edu <mailto:GRASSLIST at baylor.edu> >
> Subject: [GRASSLIST:10572] GRASS 6.1cvs gis.m error
> Dear all
> I'd like to ask you for help with gis.m Grass manager. Manager is not
> starting properly 'cause it is crashing with following error :
> GRASS 6.1.cvs (spearfish):/ > gis.m
> PNG: collecting to file: dispmon_1.ppm,
> Graphics driver [gism] started
> ERROR: PNG: couldn't open output file dispmon_1.ppm
> ERROR eof from graphics driver.
> And if I press Enter in error window, gis.m starts, but no work is
> possible at all. My Grass version is
> grass-6.1.cvs_src_snapshot_2006_02_20 .
> Thank you for your help,
> Peter Misovic
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