[GRASSLIST:9810] Re: v.surf.idw batch processing

Michaela Kinberger kinb at atlas.gis.univie.ac.at
Fri Jan 13 02:43:13 EST 2006

dear luigi,

i´am also using v.surf.idw (grass6.0.1 suse rpms, and OSX) in batch 
mode. everything works fine.

some lines of my code:

v.in.ascii -z input=file2.txt output=werte_red z=3 fs=' '
v.surf.idw input=werte_red output=surf_red col=dbl_310.8606 47.3936 4000 

this is what the input looks like:

    x y z value
    10.7809 47.5606 4000 128.2
    11.0068 47.4074 4000 99
    11.0618 47.4352 4000 135
    11.3792 47.3069 4000 147.48
    11.7633 47.4425 4000 139.04
    11.8919 47.6629 4000 173
    12.3516 47.7543 4000 174

what goes wrong in your script? is there any error message?


Luigi Ponti wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use v.surf.idw instead of v.surf.rst because it seems 
> to suite better my 105 unequally spaced weather stations in California 
> in terms of interpolated raster: the range of the data is respected 
> and there is no issue of tension and smoothing.
> I wrote a script to batch-process a series of tables containing 
> geo-referenced data that I import via v.in.ascii for subsequent 
> interpolation.
> Whith v.surf.rst the imported vector with data points is the only 
> input and the appropriate attribute column has already been selected 
> while importing via v.in.ascii by putting the correct column number=z.
> However, whith v.surf.idw, in addition to the input vector, there is 
> also a "col" string parameter which selects an attribute table column. 
> So far, I have to open the DBF attribute table (where there are not 
> just 3 columns) and figure out a weird column name such as "dbl_4" 
> that matches the column I want to interpolate (that I have already 
> chosen when importing with v.in.ascii).
> Why v.surf.rst can access the right column without any other 
> specification and v.surf.idw cannot? Is there a fix for batch processing?
> Thanks,
> Luigi

Institut fuer Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitaet Wien
Kartografie und Geoinformation

Departement of Geography and Regional Research
University of Vienna
Cartography and GIS

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E-mail: kinb at atlas.gis.univie.ac.at

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