[GRASSLIST:9849] Re: GPS Tracklog points to lines (GPS Babel)

Dave Sampson dr.sampson at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 15 21:56:31 EST 2006


1. I'll try to grab the GPS trans stuff in a bit, on other OS.
2. I used what was in grass6.0 and 6.0.1 and then downloaded a CVS 
version from a mailing archived in the list May 2005. All gave the same 
3. Garmin ETREX Vista
4. I wasn't looking for a promise. I should have tested it a long time 
ago before I started preparing the tutorial. But I assumed it work. My bad.
5. You need a field assistant that knows GRASS (apart from the GPS 
interface apparently)? I'm for hire and have wheels.
6. Thanks for the forward. I will test it out.
7. GPS is native rs232 but I have had the same successes and challenges 
through a Prolific serial2usb convertor ("iconcepts" pl232). Laptop has 
no serial.
8. Another GRASS head (Scott Mitchell) was helping out with 
troubleshooting and some thoughts on changes to how GRASS imports ASCII 
came up when the ASCII module started screaming. This would happen when 
we did not force conversion to points.
9. The same problem existed in the lab (Fedora core) and my home machine 
(Gentoo). I've seen reference to awk scripts to change points to lines, 
but alwasy looked hack and slash (mainly cause I don't know awk).
10. if this lab goes well we might play with some insitu stuff. I want 
to try the GRASS moduyle for Palm Pilot that can do GPS stuff. Let me 
know if your gpsd becomes part of grass.
11. I'm using Garmin Etrex Vista. I imagine the garmin protocol has not 
changed. I am looking to enslave a Garmin RINO with a home made cable to 
do some post processing corrections. perhaps your GPSD might be useful.

thanks for looking into this

>I am the author of (the modern) v.in.garmin. It all "works fine for me".
>I don't know why it isn't working for you, can you run gpstrans by
>itself and send me the -dt track file so I can test your data?
>And a copy of what is written to the console (use -v verbose mode) when
>you attempt to load a track?
>Are you using the *very* latest CVS version of the script?
>  http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/grass6/scripts/v.in.garmin/
>Which model garmin? 1/2 inch round connector to serial or new smaller 
>usb cable?
>No promises by the 19th, but I will be doing some testing with this (and
>v.in.gpsbabel) in the next week or so before heading back out into
>the field. I hope Davide Spano and Claudio Porta's v.in.gpsbabel will
>provide a Mac solution too. (not sure if gpstrans works on Mac?)
>v.in.gpsbabel (rename it v.in.gps?) was posted by its authors to 
>the "grass5" (grass developer's) mailing list yesterday or so. forwarding 
>it to you. If all goes well it will be in CVS soon.
>gpstrans + USB has always been reported non-functional in the past,
>interesting to hear of (some) success. gpstrans is old & not maintained,
>but has always worked for older garmins over a serial connection AFAIK.
>Dylan wrote:
>>I, and many others on this list have had similar problems.
>>I know that it is possible to get tracklog _lines_ imported into GRASS
>>via v.in.garmin , but it seemed like that functionality was broken 
>>sometime in the last 7 months or so.
>I wasn't aware the problems were that widespread. Could be I am using a 
>Debian awk extension that isn't standard across distros??
>My recent work has been logging 10 sec positions directly with a custom 
>gpsd client in situ instead of downloading tracks afterwards, so I
>haven't tried in a few months. Will post my findings.
>FWIW, my versions of v.in.garmin were tested with a garmin 48, 45, and
>12XL (all pretty much the same unit).

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