[GRASS-user] exotic datum creation

Wolfgang wollez at gmx.net
Sun Jul 2 11:56:43 EDT 2006


sorry that this is not completely grass related but I wan't to create a 
location in the 'Laos National Datum 1997'. All information I have is 
from http://ocean.csl.co.uk/ and is listed below.

I hope somebody can help me.


datum_code=	6678 (Lao National Datum 1997)
datum_name=	Lao National Datum 1997
datum_type=	geodetic
origin_description=	Fundamental point: Vientiane (Nongteng) Astro 
Pillar. Latitude: 18 deg 01 min 31.3480 sec N; Longitude: 102 deg 30 min 
57.1376 sec E (of Greenwich).
realization_epoch=	1997
ellipsoid_code=	7024 (Krassowsky 1940)
prime_meridian_code=	8901 (Greenwich)
area_of_use_code=	1138 (Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos).)
datum_scope=	Cadastre, topographic mapping, engineering survey.
remarks=	Supersedes Lao 1993.
information_source=	National Geographic Department
data_source=	EPSG
revision_date=	2004-04-27
deprecated=	0

6678,Lao National Datum 1997,geodetic,"Fundamental point: Vientiane 
(Nongteng) Astro Pillar. Latitude: 18 deg 01 min 31.3480 sec N; 
Longitude: 102 deg 30 min 57.1376 sec E (of 
Greenwich).",1997,7024,8901,1138,"Cadastre, topographic mapping, 
engineering survey.",Supersedes Lao 1993.,National Geographic 

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