[GRASS-user] Too many maps!

NISHIDA, Kenlo kenlo at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tue Jul 18 23:36:54 EDT 2006

Dear GRASS users,

The trouble was resolved just by 


Thank you.

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:43:41 +0900
"NISHIDA, Kenlo" <kenlo at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:

> Dear GRASS users:
> I am using GRASS 6.1 on FedoraCore 5 Linux.
> I need to handle lots of maps. Now my maps count more than
> 32000. Because my current file system (ext3) cannot store 
> more than 32000 links in an i-node, my "PERMANENT" mapset
> is getting overflow.
> I know some file systems such as Reiser do not have such a
> limit, and I know it is a good option which I may need to
> choose, but could you please tell me any other options?
> For example, if I can handle several mapsets at a time
> (not only PERMANENT and one user-mapset), it will be easy.
> Do you know any ways to handle several mapsets ( such as 10
> or 20 mapsets) at a time?
> ---------------------
> Kenlo Nishida
> Institute of Agricultural and Forest Engineering
> University of Tsukuba, Japan 305-8572
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Kenlo Nishida
Institute of Agricultural and Forest Engineering
University of Tsukuba, Japan 305-8572
kenlo at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp

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