[GRASS-user] GRASS & PostgreSQL - simplist workings

M S mseibel at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 07:28:09 EDT 2006

what is the simplest way to get GRASS connected to a PostgreSQL database?  I
have built a postgres database and created a table.

I suspect that i have two problems:
1) my pg_hba.conf file (or not starting postmaster with -i flag?  it is
currently started from an init.d script, but i thought i located where in
that startup script file postmaster is fired up and have tried -i)
2) my command line connection may be faulty.

my pg_hba.conf file for host has "host  all  all  trust"

my connection attempt via GRASS is: v.db.connect -o map=sites driver=pg
database="host=localhost,dbname=sites" table=distances

which yeilds the following error:
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot connect to Postgres: FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf file.

i have also tried using the db.login command too.
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