[GRASS-user] cs2cs question

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 04:29:14 EDT 2006

gary wrote:

> Now I want to convert from latlong to UTM. However, I can't find the 
> "init" parameter in the cs2cs documention.

cs2cs hints:

get cs2cs parms for the current location with "g.proj -j" or "g.proj -jf"

lat/lon wgs84 is:
  +proj=longlat +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000

mind (GRASS's +proj=latlong) == (PROJ4's +proj=longlat) !!,
[shouldn't g.proj -j output in PROJ.4 style!?]
anyway it's always a good idea to reality-check output if you can.

see m.proj in GRASS 6.1 for an easy cs2cs frontend:

Expert help for cs2cs is available from the proj mailing list.


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