[GRASSLIST:1122] RE: [GRASS-user] GIS-> GRASS translation page up and running

Jonathan Greenberg jgreenberg at arc.nasa.gov
Mon Jun 19 21:15:27 EDT 2006

Done and done!  Quick wiki question: I'm trying to fill out the ARC GRID
operator vs. r.mapcalc section, and one of the operators is "||" ("or"),
which is also the command for "next cell" in wiki-table lingo.  How do I get
the table to NOT make a new cell and instead display the text "||" (no
quotes) in a cell?





Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
NRC Research Associate
NASA Ames Research Center
MS 242-4
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Phone: 415-794-5043
AIM: jgrn3007
MSN: jgrn3007 at hotmail.com 


From: M S [mailto:mseibel at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 4:29 PM
To: Jonathan Greenberg
Cc: GRASS user list
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] [GRASSLIST:1121] GIS-> GRASS translation page up
and running


i think it would be good to have some attribute marking if the command
function is identical, or deviates substantially. (for workstation command

nice job on the page!  thanks this will be a great resource.

On 6/19/06, Jonathan Greenberg <jgreenberg at arc.nasa.gov > wrote:


I decided to make the page a bit more open to other GIS packages, so if you
use something besides ESRI this is the place to put your info as well -- 
note that I have two levels of the Discussion on wiki, the software and the
command.  If you edit this please put the GIS command (and within-page link)
and the basic GRASS command in the quick reference table, but in the 
discussion copy the table from the LATTICESPOT to put the full GIS command
(with all of the input/output variables) and the full grass command (or
commands in a numbered list if you need > 1 grass command to replicate the 
other software's feature) with all of the grass inputs/outputs (using the
same variable names, when possible).  You should include a "Discrepancies"
section (bulleted) if there are any differences between the GIS software 
command and GRASS's.

Note that for ARC-INFO commands I'm using ESRI's variable syntax copied
directly from the ARC/INFO help manual.  It would be useful to keep up this
practice for all other ARC-INFO commands. 

Any initial suggestions please let me know and I'll modify the formatting
appropriately!  Do you think the quick-reference table needs any more
columns, e.g. Some indication whether the external GIS command can be 
replicated "perfectly" by GRASS or if there are major differences between
the two?


Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
NRC Research Associate
NASA Ames Research Center
MS 242-4 
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
AIM: jgrn307
MSN: jgrn307 at hotmail.com

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grassuser at grass.itc.it


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