Klecskó Bernadett bernadett.klecsko at geohidroterv.hu
Mon Mar 6 06:32:11 EST 2006

Dear Maciek!

Thanks your answers.

> > 2.how can I print from NVIZ?
> Export image and print it.  I tried it, but it's not really good.Other options?:)
> > 3.how can I joint the surface, vector lines and volumes in NVIZ with
> > coordinates?
> Could you elaborate on this? Or maybe somebody else gets it better what
> you mean. Sorry :).

I try to explain my problem:

I have a database, which contain lots of contamination data from different depth.I  made from this database a 3D distribution of concentration file (with v.vol.rst), after I loaded this in NVIZ. I tried to display some different values , but these values weren't theirs valid places in depth.
I think, if i could give a benchmark  (with coordinates and depth) or  I could join the terrain surface file, like a surface of reference for 3D file of concentration , maybe the volumes will wind up theirs correct places.

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