[GRASSLIST:10818] Invoking a plot program by clicking on screen

Gehlot, S. S.Gehlot at LR.TUDelft.NL
Wed Mar 8 07:22:13 EST 2006

Hi all,
My work is analysing time series of radar point targets for land
subsidence analysis. The GRASS data base consists of location
coordinates of some points and their height information at a certain
time intervals (Z1, Z2......so on). 
I need to visualize the time series plots (Z1,Z2,Z3.....Zn) of vector
dataset points (X,Y) by clicking on the point. The requred application
is when a point location is clicked, another program such as GNU plot,
or matlab is called to read the database of Z values and plot the values
against time.
It would be very helpful to me if someone could share any experience
with similar applications, or if there are tools available for this


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