[GRASSLIST:10850] Re: Problem with r.contour

Michael Rensing michael.rensing at shaw.ca
Thu Mar 9 10:01:59 EST 2006

I've watched the memory use climb while the CPU cycles drop to 1 or 2 
percent. Presumably it does into a swap frenzy. The same thing happens 
whether r.contour finishes successfully or not.

How would I measure the size of the areas? I'll look for the area sizes 
later today. Gotta go to work now...


Hamish wrote:
>> I'm using r.contour to extract contours from a DEM raster. Everything 
>> works fine until I try to do a region over a certain size. Then 
>> r.contour just quits spontaneously. If I run it from the command line,
>> all it says is "Killed".
>> I'm sure it's a memory/size problem, and the routine take a long time,
>> but I just want to set it to work and wait for the response. Is there 
>> anyone who understands r.contour enough who would care to do some 
>> debugging? I'd be happy to work together on this.
> try running "top" in a terminal window along side and watch the memory
> grow.
> How big is too big?
> Hamish
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