[GRASSLIST:212] Re: Fwd: [Bug 123707] sci-geosciences/grass-6.0.2 (version bump)

Lorenzo Moretti lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it
Fri Mar 17 09:56:58 EST 2006

>I've installed the version of Lorenzo's binaries dated 11 March 
>2006, and have been unable to start Grass.  I receive a message that 
>Grass has unexpected quit before before any of the startup screens 
>appear.   I ran the grasslib.mpkg installer packaged with the 
>release before installing the cvs file.  I'm running OS X  10.4.5.
>I wonder if anyone else has experienced similar problems.

Try this:

- delete this file 
- restart grass61cvs

If this fails again wait next release ....
  and use old grass61cvs (030609).


||      Lorenzo Moretti        e-mail: lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it     
||/|/|  ENEA prot/idr          Web: http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/    
||   |  via Don Fiammelli, 2   FTP: ftp://ftpamb.bologna.enea.it/ (ris.)
~~~~~~  40128 BOLOGNA - ITALY  Ph: +39-0516098086  Fax: +39-0516098131
ENEA - Ente Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente
ENEA - The Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment
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