[GRASSLIST:386] Re: SRTM coastline sharpening

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 25 23:36:32 EST 2006

> Following the GRASSNews_vol3 article on SRTM import, I was trying to 
> sharpen coastlines using GSHHS shapefiles. However, the imported GSHHS
> vectors are just lines and not areas. Therefore I do not know how to 
> generate a raster MASK, because there is no area for v.to.rast to 
> produce a filled raster coverage.

others have mentioned the new SRTM v2 so I'll leave that, but for the
general vector how-to question:

An area is made up of a boundary and a centroid, so two steps are

# convert lines to boundaries
v.type line,boundary

# add centroids 
v.category op=add   # ?!!!

This second part I know possible, but I forget the correct command.
Maybe it is v.build or v.clean?


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