[GRASSLIST:429] v.in.db problem

Thomas Adams Thomas.Adams at noaa.gov
Mon Mar 27 14:12:26 EST 2006


Using GRASS 6.1CVS (2006.03.25 snapshot) I am trying to use v.in.db to 
import point data from a PostgreSQL database; it *almost* works... that 
is, the correct number of points import and display correctly, but it's 
when I use the GUI query tool to test the *values* of the imported data 
that problems are apparent.

My PostgreSQL database consists of some static fields (lat, long, 
station identifier, elevation, etc.) along with the observation time 
(obstime) of the data and a data value (value). So, the database table 
table contains hourly observations for the past several months at many 
locations. However, when I use v.in.db with the SQL where condition set 
to obstime = '2006-03-26 12:00:00', the values returned appear to be the 
first record in the table for each of the points, that is, I ONLY get 
the oldest value -- and nothing else. I have also tried using the "SQL 
where statement" field to make the same query using d.vect with no luck 
(that is, no difference is apparent). Interestingly, if I try to use the 
"SQL where statement" field to make the same query using d.vect with:

(1) lid='CCNO1' <---- this works, one point is selected & displayed for 
the point CCNO1

(2) elev>900  <---- this works, many points with elevations exceeding 
900 are selected & displayed

(3) obstime = '2006-03-26 12:00:00'  <----- (seemingly) all points are 
selected & displayed, but with the wrong obstime (see above)

Also interesting is the fact that if I use db.select with obstime = 
'2006-03-26 12:00:00' the correct thing happens, namely, only those 
records that meet the obstime condition are selected; I also get this 
using psql at the command line.

I am having a hard time understanding the problem. Any help??


Thomas E Adams
National Weather Service
Ohio River Forecast Center
1901 South State Route 134
Wilmington, OH 45177

EMAIL:	thomas.adams at noaa.gov

VOICE:	937-383-0528
FAX:	937-383-0033

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