[GRASSLIST:432] Re: OGR-generated shapefiles show spikes and outliers in ArcView

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 02:34:00 EST 2006

On 3/27/06, Patton, Eric <epatton at nrcan.gc.ca> wrote:
> I had to generate some coastline shapefiles for a colleague who's using
> Arc9. The shapefile is showing all kinds of weird spikes and horizontal
> lines that look like corrupted data, but of course the vectors look fine in
> Grass. Has anyone had any issues with shapefiles, specifically linework,
> from Grass?

Have you tried to reimport back to GRASS?

> The only thing I can think of is that the cat values in the
> vector are non-sequential in some parts (i.e., they skip a few numbers here
> and there because of edits). I'm really at a loss.



> ~ Eric.

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