[GRASSLIST:973] Re: representing objects in grass

Ana Soares tiobrothercamarada at gmail.com
Tue May 2 05:23:53 EDT 2006

Thanks for answering!

But aren't the d.* commands for visualization purposes ?
Maybe I didn't succeed i posing my question!
Lets take a concrete situation, maybe I will be more clear.
Suppose you want to represent a pipe. I has a name (pipe1 p.e.), an
orientation (take vertical, for example) and a
location (its coordinates, for example). How do I represent that object in
grass? How do I represent the object pipe1, with vertical orientation and
location x,y ?
I thougth it would be necessary to make some db files!If not, then when and
where must I use them ?

Thanks :-)

2006/5/2, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>:
> > I want to represent an object, with a specific orientation and name.
> text object? graphic?
> > How do I represent it in grass ? Do I have to build a SQL database
> > with db ? I think this is related to attribute management issues! How
> > can I learn more about this ?
> (latest GRASS 6.1 may be needed for many of the following)
> text:
> d.vect disp=attr  (several label options but no rotate)
> d.text rotation=
> d.text.freetype rotation=
> v.label (-a,-c,rotation=) + d.labels
> symbol:
> d.vect icon=
> d.graph (-m) symbol command
> PostScript graphic:
> .eps can be inserted and rotated in ps.map
> ps.map can read labels from v.label
> A .eps -> d.graph converter script is still missing. (not hard!)
> Rotation code is still missing in d.graph (S_stroke() actually)
> some things are possible but you'll have to expolore.
> New GUI:
> gis.m label tools (PS and normal)
> Hamish
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