[GRASSLIST:1022] Re: Georeferencing without the mouse?

David Ottina dottina at telenet.be
Sat May 6 05:25:04 EDT 2006

Thanks very much for the help Glynn.

Here is some additional information on the WIND work around for whomever
may be interested...

> However, some import modules have problems importing into lat/lon
> locations as the default bounds result in a north value greater than
> 90. In that case, switch the location to x/y by editing the WIND file
> before importing, then change it back afterwards

Yep, this gets around the "Illegal latitude for South" error!

To be able to display the map go to the map's header file in:


and change 'proj = 0' to 'proj = 3'. I believe 0 is for x,y and 3 is
for lat/lon. In my case I had to do this for three files, one for each
color band.


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