[GRASS-user] Displaying vector objects with multiple database link layers using v.db.connect

William Hudspeth bhudspeth at edac.unm.edu
Thu May 18 16:40:31 EDT 2006


I have successfully linked a vector map to two different postgresql
attribute tables. 

GRASS 6.0.1 (western_us):~ > v.db.connect -p map=epa_airnow_stations
Vector map <epa_airnow_stations> is connected by:
layer <1> table <airnow_2003_2005_pmfine> in database <host=phairs-
devel.unm.edu,dbname=reason> through driver <pg> with key <station_id>
layer <2> table <airnow_2003_2005_pm10> in database <host=phairs-
devel.unm.edu,dbname=reason> through driver <pg> with key <station_id>

When I try to select and display a subset of the vector objects in the
map, using the attributes in the postgresql tables, I am only able to
view objects defined in layer 1. If I try to display objects from layer
2, nothing appears in my monitor window. If I delete the links, and
reverse the order of the attribute table links (the table that was
previously assigned to layer 1 becomes assigned to layer 2 and vice
versa,) then again, I can only select and view objects from layer 1 (the
alternative attribute table). 

I use a command like the following, being sure to specify the layer I
want to query, as well as the appropriate variable to select on:

d.vect epa_airnow_stations color=green fcolor=green icon=basic/diamond
size=5 where="pmfine>700" layer=1  ###displays selected points
d.vect epa_airnow_stations color=red fcolor=red icon=basic/diamond
size=5 where="pm10>700" layer=2  ###does not display

I have run these queries in postgresql, and I do get records returned
for each of them. It seems the problem is somehow linked to which table
is linked to layer 2.

Any help is much appreciated,


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