[GRASS-user] Networks: Strahler Order?

Florian Kindl florian.kindl at uibk.ac.at
Tue May 30 09:16:50 EDT 2006

On 30.05.2006, at 12:22, Silvia Franceschi wrote:

>  The Strahler algorithm is contained in the Horton package than was  
> an additional package
> for GRASS and now is a part of the JGrass.
> If you look for JGrass and HortonMachine you can find this module  
> and a lot of
> other idro-geomorphological methods.
> Hope can help...

Yes, it helps, thank you!
The HortonMachine looks very interesting.

Is it also possible to access the JGrass modules from a GRASS session  
or from a shell script?
In other words, is JGrass accessible in a non-interactive mode,  
something like:

`java -jar jgrass.jar execute="h.strahler --flow flow --net net -- 
strahler strahler --mode 1"


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