[GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] 3D DXF output: howto?

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Thu Nov 16 12:53:16 EST 2006

Benjamin Ducke wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am currently trying to get some 3D points out of GRASS and into a
> 3D modeller (blender.org) fur further processing.
> Two questions arise:
> 1. My GRASS vector points are 2D + elevation attribute. Is it possible
> to map the elevation attribute to a Z coordinate and create a 3D map?


> 2. Is it possible to output 3D vector points as 3D DXF?

Dunno. Have you tried and it failed?

> If not, maybe someone could detail on what needs to be done and I will
> try and hack up something.


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