[GRASS-user] Image viewers choke on all r.out.gdal GTiff output regardless of type parameter

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Wed Oct 4 12:38:03 EDT 2006

Having trouble getting any displayable output from r.out.gdal....

I've tried exporting GTiff format from r.out.gdal, using _every_ option in
the type parameter, and I can't open any of the output geotiffs in either
Gimp 2.2.11, gthumb 2.7.6, or Eye of Gnome 2.14.3. For all output types,
Gimp prints three consecutive error messages similar to:

unknown field with tag 34737 (0x87b1) encountered

unknown field with tag 42112 (0xa480) encountered

unknown field with tag 42113 (0xa481) encountered

And never opens the image.

Does anyone have similar problems opening r.out.gdal output?

~ Eric.

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