[GRASS-user] how to create a voxel

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 8 05:16:02 EDT 2006

Michaël Rabotin wrote:
> I'm on GRASS 6.01 on Ubuntu and I want to create a voxel (raster 3D ) by the
> command r3.in.ascii.
> I've got an error message after running my command :
> r3.in.ascii input=/home/rabotin/svg-roujan/test-roujan/mnt3d.asc
> output=mnt3d
> FATAL ERROR: asciiToG3d: read failed
> I think I've got a probleme with my input text file. Is anybody can say to
> me what is the problem:
> Extract of my Input text file:
> north: 133032.28
> south: 132988.28
> east: 678769.63
> west: 678725.63
> top: 153
> bottom: 132
> rows: 22
> cols: 22
> levels: 1
> 678726.63,133031.28,143 678728.63,133031.28,143 678730.63,133031.28,141
> .......
> 678728.63,133029.28,142 678730.63,133029.28,141 678732.63,133029.28,140 ....
> and so on, with 22 rows and 22 columns

can you send a small test file?


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