[GRASS-user] g.gisenv

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 07:29:13 EDT 2006


2006/10/9, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>:


> These are shell environment variables, not GRASS gisenv variables.
> add these to ~/.grass.bashrc :
> export GRASS_WIDTH=800
> export GRASS_HEIGHT=600
> see:
>   http://grass.ibiblio.org/grass63/manuals/html63_user/variables.html

Sorry, a wrong example, trying again -- GRASS *gisenv* variable DEBUG:

g.gisenv set=DEBUG=5
g.gisenv get=DEBUG

g.remove x
Remove <x>
WARNING: <x> nothing removed

.... no debug message, should be(?)

grep G_debug general/manage/lib/do_remove.c
G_debug (1, "%s: %s", list[n].desc[i],_("missing"));
G_debug (1, "%s: %s", list[n].desc[i],_("removed"));
G_debug (1, "%s: %s", colr2, _("missing"));
G_debug (1, "%s: %s", colr2, _("removed"));

Best, Martin

Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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