[GRASS-user] Raster analysis

Brad Douglas rez at touchofmadness.com
Wed Oct 18 04:20:31 EDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-10-18 at 00:13 -0700, RAVI KUMAR wrote:
> Please react to the statement below. This is from one shifting from
> Idrisi to GRASS
> "I have found that colour manipulation by contrast stretching is not
> possible in GRASS or am I wrong."

Sadly, it is correct.  Only 8-bit (integer) color is supported at this
time.  Adding it to grass/TODO.

Brad Douglas <rez touchofmadness com>                    KB8UYR/6
Address: 37.493,-121.924 / WGS84    National Map Corps #TNMC-3785

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