[GRASS-user] about r.out.GMT

Huidae Cho grass4u at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 05:28:09 EDT 2006

On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 10:22:27AM +0200, mrigotti at agrsci.unibo.it wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some issues using the r.out.GMT addons, using grass63-cvs.
> Basically, the addons works, and I get two files, a file.grd a file.cpt, which I
> use with the following commands to directly display with GMT (4.1.2):
> grdimage file.grd -R689000/710000/4895000/4920000 -Jx1:100 -Cfile.cpt -P -V
> >map.ps
> Unfortunately, I then get this error message:
> grdimage: Allocates memory and read data file
> grdimage: Not a netCDF file [slp_GMT.grd]
> I was wondering why this happens, given that the addons should produce a
> compatible grd file to be used with GMT.
> Is it that I'm missing something? Can you help me?

You need to add a map type to the file name.  If the original map is in
CELL format, "grdimage file.grd=2 ...", otherwise "gridimage file.grd=1
..." is correct.

> By the way, I also used v.out.GMT, aand it works fine, except for the fact that
> I got a compatibility error message, which was solved after I deleted the first
> line of the xy file produced by the addons, which only contained the '>'
> character.

v.out.gmt supports multiple polylines using the '>' flag.  You have to
specify -M option for psxy to work.

If you're not sure, use -p flag when running [rv].out.gmt to see GMT


> Hope you can help,
> thanks,
> Marco
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