[GRASS-user] problem inporting large datasets with v.in.ascii

Michael Perdue michael_perdue at yahoo.ca
Sat Sep 23 03:47:13 EDT 2006


if you're working with with point data then you can use the -b switch  
so that grass doesn't build topology. However, as far as I'm aware,  
v.surf.rst is the only other module that will work without topology  
so you might want to consider breaking your data up into smaller chunks.



On 22-Sep-06, at 12:52 PM, Jeroen Wortel wrote:

> Hi all,
> I tried to import a large xyz ( 7 mln points) dataset with  
> v.in.ascii, but got the following message:
> registering lines: G_realloc: out of memory
> At the start of v.in.ascii I had 1.5GB memory free, but during  
> v.in.ascii leaked slowly away ( when checking with top) to 0.
> Any ideas?
> I use grass-6.2 cvs, this weeks update
> thanks,
> -Jeroen.
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