[GRASS-user] r.in.gdal does not import maps to correct region

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
Mon Sep 25 17:05:19 EDT 2006


I can not understand this:

gdalinfo grassdata/cr-jtsk/jachym/.tmp/mellon/25439.0.png

Driver: PNG/Portable Network Graphics
Size is 593, 550
Coordinate System is `'
Origin = (-599584.983444,-1142950.016556)
Pixel Size = (30.00000000,30.00000000)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  ( -599584.983,-1142950.017)
Lower Left  ( -599584.983,-1126450.017)
Upper Right ( -581794.983,-1142950.017)
Lower Right ( -581794.983,-1126450.017)
Center      ( -590689.983,-1134700.017)
Band 1 Block=593x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
Color Table (RGB with 75 entries)
0: 255,255,255,255
1: 0,0,0,255
2: 253,240,112,255
3: 251,232,106,255
4: 250,225,99,255
5: 249,217,93,255
6: 248,209,87,255
7: 246,201,81,255

r.in.gdal -o --o in=grassdata/cr-jtsk/jachym/.tmp/mellon/25439.0.png out=pokus
g.region rast=pokus -p

projection: 99 (Krovak)
zone:       0
datum:      towgs84=570.8,85.7,462.8,4.998,1.587,5.261,3.56
ellipsoid:  bessel
north:      550
south:      0
west:       0
east:       593
nsres:      1
ewres:      1
rows:       550
cols:       593
cells:      326150

can anybody reproduce this?
do I anything wrong?



Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://les-ejk.cz/gnupg_public_key/jachym_cepicky-gpg_public_key.asc
Mengendamm 16d
30177 Hannover
e-mail: cepicky at gdf-hannover.de
URL:    http://gdf-hannover.de
Tel.:   +49 511-39088507
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