[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Views in pgSQL

Jaros?aw Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Wed Apr 11 12:36:08 EDT 2007

Moritz Lennert napisa?(a):
> On 11/04/07 17:37, Markus Neteler wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 05:25:24PM +0200, Moritz Lennert wrote:
>>> On 11/04/07 13:48, Jaros??aw Jasiewicz wrote:
>>>> Moritz Lennert napisa??(a):
>>>>> On 11/04/07 13:01, Jaros??aw Jasiewicz wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> Is still possible to use pgSQL views to connect vectors?
>>>>>> Connecting views was possible for or five month ago (in spite of 
>>>>>> error messages during creating views).
>>>>>> I have some vector joinred to view They still working. But now, 
>>>>>> when I tried to connect new vector with view I recived simple 
>>>>>> error message that there is no table I plan to join
>>>>> What is the exact error message you are receiving.
>>>>>> If that possibilites was removed (after my post, unfortunatly) 
>>>>>> please let me know
>>>>> I am not aware of any related changes...
>>> Sorry, I spoke to fast. I think I now found the culprit:
>>> revision 1.40
>>> date: 2006/11/28 08:42:02; author: markus; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1
>>> if table doesn't exist: fatal error
>> Which file is that?
>> Ah, below I see that you mean v.db.connect/main.c.
> Yes, sorry.
>>>> BTW:
>>>> Pg Views are very important for me when I connect-reconnect vector 
>>>> files to different atribute table. I use (used!) views insted of 
>>>> original table to avoid occasional removing original data and to 
>>>> speed up transfer limiting data in views only to these needed for
>>>> (sorry, I think everybody knows it)
>>> I completely agree with you. Being able to connect maps to views is 
>>> fundamental in my eyes.
>> Yes. But we need a reasonable implementation.
>> Anyone with suggestions how to implement it?
> For me the choice is either
> 1) to consider views as tables (and thus change the way the individual 
> drivers list tables) or
> 2) to treat them as separate and change v.db.connect so that it checks 
> for both.
> 1) seems much easier to implement, 2) seems cleaner in case we need to 
> list tables only, not views, in other contexts than v.db.connect.
> Moritz
If it is possible to return to warning insted of fatal for now it woud 
be fine.....

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