[GRASS-user] 32 bit OS .. 64 bit OS

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Aug 3 08:13:36 EDT 2007

Maciej Sieczka wrote on 08/03/2007 12:21 PM:
> Markus Neteler wrote:
>> RAVI KUMAR wrote on 08/03/2007 11:05 AM:
>>> Hi Markus,
>>> "progress only in the 64 bit GRASS version".. is not
>>> what is conveyed through this august list,
>>> but this is just a query.
>>> Now that the GRASS6.3 onwards;
>>> do we have both 32 bit and 64 bit (OS) releases..
> Ravi, are you referring to the fact that there is no generic 32bit
> binary GRASS package on GRASS website, but only 64bit?
If so, I don't know how to generate 32bit binaries on a (pure) 64bit
machine as the GRASS server is. A way out would be that a community
member auto-generates 32bit Linux binaries which I then auto-fetch
every week.


ITC -> dall'1 marzo 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler
ITC -> since 1 March 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler

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