[GRASS-user] rasterizing a tin

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Tue Aug 7 11:41:25 EDT 2007

Vincent BAIN wrote:
> Dear grass users,
> echoing the message sent last week by Carlos Grohmann, and the
> how-to published here
> http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/HOWTO_create_3D_TIN I was
> wondering how one could generate a raster DEM from a 3D vector TIN.
> It could somehow be interesting to be able to generate a raster 
> elevation model that would be as close as possible to the surface
> mesh of a tin...
> Any idea ?

Rasterise the vector points with v.to.rast and run r.surf.nnbathy on
that using "l" interpolation method. It performs plain triangulation of
the input raster data.



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