[GRASS-user] v.net.path through gis manager (GRASS6.2)

Aldo Clerici alcl01 at ipruniv.cce.unipr.it
Tue Feb 20 09:21:14 EST 2007

Dear GRASSusers,

I'm trying to use v.net.path through gis manager (GRASS6.2) to define the
shortest path between two points of given coordinates, but the panel of the
command seems not to allow the coordinates input, even though the
description of the last parameter in the panel reports explicitly this
possibility 'Maximum distance to the network if start/end are given as

In command line mode the following works:
v.net.path in=roads ou=roads_pt <<end
> 1 592634 4925356 596568 4922912
> 2 591738 4923061 593170 4915608
> end

Is there a way to perform the same operation using gis manager?

Many thanks in advance

Aldo Clerici

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