[GRASS-user] Re: GIS mentioned in Linux Journal Issue 53 January 2007

Stefan Paulick stefan.paulick at urbeli.com
Mon Jan 22 06:39:16 EST 2007

Maybe his family was held as hostages, who knows? Or some medical crisis? 
Alien abduction ? The forced by NSA or CIA? 

Drop him mail to find out - just in case he needs some help... 

// Stefan
* geospatial alien swat team* 


nicholas.g.lawrence at mainroads.qld.gov.au schrieb: 

> Page 48 a hardware review by James Gray, Product Editor 
> "Exhibit A
> My old laptop was a beast. I bought it as a
> desktop replacement with a nice, big display
> for doing GIS. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a
> cheap copy of ArcGIS, so I do GIS at my uni-
> versity's computer lab instead." 
> Okay, so it is a hardware review, not a software
> review, but nevertheless, how is it that an editor of
> a linux-focused periodical is using ArcGIS? Perhaps
> he is a potential convert to GRASS? 
> nick 
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