[GRASS-user] Problems compiling legacy add-on module under GRASS-5.4.1

Paul Kelly paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Sat Jul 28 13:57:18 EDT 2007

On Sat, 28 Jul 2007, Scott Mitchell wrote:

>> For the next step, I THINK I've interpreted the "building other modules" 
>> instructions correctly, but hopefully if I've done something wrong someone 
>> can steer me right.
>> I've copied the subdirectory with the code in question in to ~/src/ 
>> grass-5.4.1/src.contrib/AverageTables
>> I cd into by grass541build directory, and try
>> ./gmake54 src.contrib/AverageTables
>> but I get:
>> make: *** No rule to make target `dir'.  Stop.
>> Do I need to edit the Gmakefile to get it compatible with the "new" build 
>> mechanism?

Yes; it is done automatically by the "make makefiles" step when you first 
run make with the alternate build system. But you should be able to run it 
yourself as (from alternate build directory):

make ~/src/grass-5.4.1/src.contrib/AverageTables/makefile

(Note the lower case m in makefile) and that should automatically convert 
Gmakefile to makefile and the gmake54 script should then work.


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