[GRASS-user] ascii files to import

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Mon Jul 30 18:38:38 EDT 2007

Kirk Wythers wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I was just handed a 26,000 row by 100 column excel file which contains
> lat long coordinates of individual site locations. I need to project it
> onto a rater image (already in a grass utm location).
> Two ideas come to mind... one is to read it into a grass lat long
> location with v.in.ascii and then reproject onto the utm location, the
> other is to read it into postgis and convert the lat long columns to
> meters, then import the postgis layer. Any suggestions as to advantages
> or disadvantages to either approach?

FYI, you can also use cs2cs to reproject coordinates stored in a text
file directly. Look at GRASS m.proj for inspiration [1]. Then
v.in.ascii, v.to.rast.



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