[GRASS-user] Re: Can't create location from file

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Sat Jun 16 16:44:53 EDT 2007

Daniel Victoria wrote:
> Just an update.
> I just noticed that grass is looking for the epsg file in
> /usr/local/share/proj and it's installed in /usr/share/proj. Could
> that be related?

You should put the path to where your "epsg" file resides into the
"Path to the EPSG codes file" dialog. The file comes with PROJ.4.

> Also, the geotiff has several epsg codes in it and
> the only one valid is 4326.

Your gdalinfo output seems corrupted. Compare with the output of
"epsg_tr.py 4326" to see the difference. It is missing EPSG codes for
prime meridian and unit. That's propably why GRASS fails to creata a
location using it.

Also please note that only the last EPSG code designates the coordinate
system. Those coming before it are for the CS components, like
spheroid, datum etc.

> If I create a location with this EPSG code
> all goes fine. If I use the others, a tmp.<somenumber> directory is
> created.

That's because you are passing wrong EPSG coordinate system code, which
GRASS 6.2 can't handle and creates a corrupted location. As expected,
only "4326" works OK. In GRASS 6.3, using an invalid coordinate system
EPSG code yields an error message like on the attached screendump.
Please fill in a wish in the tracker for backporting this usefull
feature to GRASS 6.2. Maybe it will get included in 6.2.2 release.

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