[GRASS-user] Re: Can't create location from file

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 18 02:32:34 EDT 2007

Daniel Victoria wrote:
> I just noticed that grass is looking for the epsg file in
> /usr/local/share/proj and it's installed in /usr/share/proj. Could
> that be related? Also, the geotiff has several epsg codes in it and
> the only one valid is 4326. If I create a location with this EPSG code
> all goes fine. If I use the others, a tmp.<somenumber> directory is
> created.

the default dir should be set by the packager before compile with:
  ./configure --with-proj-share=

Or by the user at run time with "Define new location with... -> Path to
the EPSG-codes file"

But note that's only for the startup GUI EPSG search tool (AFAIK), not
the rest of GRASS. The rest of GRASS (ie "g.proj -c" used by
make_location_epsg.sh.in) depends on PROJ.4 being installed properly.
(so e.g. GDAL can find it too)


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