[GRASS-user] Digitization problems + running QGIS from inside
Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 02:22:55 EST 2007
2007/3/7, adnan rauf <adnanrauf143 at yahoo.com>:
> Hy everbody,
> i am having following problems using GRASS 6.2.0 :
> 1. When Digitizing in GRASS, my GRASS hangs in between and X Monitor and
> Digtizing Window also stop responding. I have to stop the grass session and
> kill the appropriate processes inorder get things going again. What might be
> the cause for this???
> 2. I've also heard about running QGIS from inside GRASS. What QGIS & GRASS
> versions are required for the purpose? becuase my GRASS dosent support this.
you have to install qgis with support for GRASS (so QGIS supports
GRASS, not GRASS supports QGIS). In debian-based distros, there are
packages with the GRASS plugin for QGIS avaliable. I have no idea, how
this is organized in RPM-based distros. If you compile QGIS by
yourself, you have to use --with-grass option for ./configure
> 3. What is the purpose of CAT valules in the database table of the vector
> files??
CATegory value is uniqe ID, which connects vector objects to database
records. More about GRASS vector format in
> 4. Can someone also mail me exact step of installing Cygwin and then GRASS
> on it on windows XP? Also i need the link for latest GRASS rpm's.
> Thanks in Advance.
Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky gmail com
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://www.les-ejk.cz/pgp/jachym_cepicky-gpg.pub
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